How to drain antifreeze from Gazelle
Today, many drivers are faced with the very specific task of draining (replacing) the coolant on a Gazelle car. This article may provide practical advice on this issue.
Where to start
In order to avoid possible problems with the car engine, the manufacturer recommends replacing (draining) the coolant after 60 thousand km, or after 2 years of operation. As an additional guideline, which obviously indicates the need to drain the antifreeze (antifreeze) from the engine block and radiator completely, a change in color is used, in particular when the liquid takes on a reddish tint. Such color changes indicate the development of inhibitory additives, which poses a threat to the cooling system.
In addition, it should be taken into account that in hot weather (summer) the car engine already works more intensely, being subjected to even greater loads. There are frequent cases of engine overheating. To possibly complete the trip, drivers often have to turn on the heater at full power and literally fry inside the car. Along with this, during vehicle operation the density of the coolant decreases. Therefore, it is very appropriate to carry out seasonal maintenance of the machine.
Note. In winter, due to the de-icing agent, the radiator is filled with its particles, which turn into stone from the high temperature. Thus, in order to avoid possible consequences for the cooling system, it is advisable to periodically clean the radiator externally and flush it internally with running water.
Coolant drain
Carrying out work on draining the coolant independently requires the presence of a basin for draining, used antifreeze (antifreeze), used antifreeze (antifreeze), a hose, a screwdriver, a wrench and fluid for its possible replacement. To start work you need:
- Place the car above the inspection hole;
- Turn off the car engine and let it cool;
- Lock the hood in the open position;
- Place a tray for draining waste fluid under the radiator;
- Remove the cap from the expansion tank;
- Place a hose onto the radiator drain hole;
- Using a screwdriver, unscrew the drain plug on the radiator;
- Drain the used antifreeze (antifreeze);
- Move the waste fluid drain tray under the cylinder block;
- Unscrew the brass drain plug on the cylinder block using a wrench;
- Drain the used antifreeze (antifreeze).
- After the liquid is completely drained, the drain plugs are screwed into place.
Possible negative consequences for a car engine include corrosion of the radiator and cylinder block. In addition, if the fluid is not replaced in a timely manner, the thermostat and water pump will quickly wear out. Cavitation erosion can lead to the formation of micro-holes in the cooling path. And an increased percentage of water in antifreeze can cause cracks in the pipes and expansion tank.
For stable operation of a Gazelle car, you need to periodically change the oil not only in the engine, gearbox, but also in the axle. It is advisable to carry out this replacement after three years of operation or every 35,000 km. When buying a car, regardless of whether it is new or used, the mechanic advises you to change the oil. Replacement will be required if, when checking the level, the oil color looks like strong coffee. if the oil has a dust-colored coating, this indicates that it already contains a lot of deposits from various additives and metal shavings, and the bridge may need to be repaired.
Which oil to choose. motor or transmission? Transmission substances are used for Gazelles. In Soviet times, our country used the corresponding GOST standards to designate lubricants; now all lubricant products have international qualifications. First of all, attention is paid to the viscosity, seasonal substances have the letter “W”, therefore, they belong to the winter version, the absence of a letter indicates that this option is used in warm weather.
How to Drain Antifreeze From Umz 4216 Block
UMZ 4216 engine - main characteristics and gas equipment
Advertising about Gazelle Business has probably become a “classic” today. At one time it could often be heard. The Gazelle Business is equipped with a UMZ 4216 engine. It can be said that it is a good Russian truck with a good Russian engine that meets Euro-3 environmental standards. At least, a huge share of cargo transportation today is carried out by Gazelles.
All engine modifications have a volume of 2.9 liters, two valves per cylinder. Initially, UMZ 4216 engines provide the possibility of installing hydraulic power steering. Therefore, there are brackets and fastenings for it. Engine power UMZ 4216 123 horsepower.
As the most common Gazelle engine, it was often tested by independent experts. The tests were carried out from scratch, and after the first hundred thousand kilometers the UMZ 4216 engine was disassembled. Before and after disassembly, compression measurements were taken in each cylinder. Based on these data, we can judge that the minimum level is 8.6, the maximum is 10. And this is after the engine has run for one hundred thousand kilometers.
Replacing antifreeze with Gazelle
Not many car enthusiasts have managed to figure out the issue of replacing the coolant on a Gazelle car. Therefore, this article will try to solve the problem by selecting the most practical advice in this direction.
Where to approach the problem
You should start by setting deadlines for replacing the coolant; they are usually set by the car manufacturer. In this case, it is recommended to replace antifreeze (antifreeze) after 60 thousand km, or after 2 years of operation. An additional reason that serves as a signal to replace the fluid is a change in its factory color to reddish. Such changes indicate the production of inhibitory additives, which is fraught with damage to the cooling system.
Note. It is advisable to follow the manufacturer's recommendations when choosing coolant. Replacement of antifreeze (antifreeze) should be done exclusively on a cooled engine. When performing work to replace antifreeze (antifreeze), you must be extremely careful.
Freeing the Gazelle cooling system
Car enthusiasts who want to replace the coolant themselves need to have a spanner wrench, tray, and antifreeze (antifreeze) on hand. The procedure for draining the liquid is as follows:
- The vehicle is installed on a flat surface;
- The expansion tank cap is removed;
- The heater tap is opened by turning it all the way to the right;
- A hose of the appropriate diameter is put on the radiator drain pipe;
- A tray is installed to drain the waste liquid;
- The drain hose is lowered into the tray and the radiator tap is opened;
- The waste liquid is drained.
After draining the used fluid from the radiator, using the same scheme, the drain hose is transferred to the tap located on the left side of the engine, and the remaining antifreeze (antifreeze) is drained from the channels of the cylinder block. After which, both drain valves are closed.
Filling the system with antifreeze
To begin with, it is advisable to flush the cooling system of any remaining old fluid. To do this, the required amount of tap water is poured through the expansion tank. After which the car engine starts for 5 minutes and then turns off. The water is drained in the same way as the liquid was drained before, after which the system is ready to be filled with fresh antifreeze (antifreeze).
How much oil is in the rear axle of the Gazelle, how many liters should I fill?
A car like the Gazelle is often used for work. If the vehicle is properly maintained, then the return will be appropriate. Among the necessary maintenance, there must be a procedure for changing the oil in the rear axle.
When is replacement required?
If you carry out timely maintenance of the rear axle of the Gazelle Business or Next, then it will be able to serve its owner for quite a long time.
If you follow the manufacturers' recommendations, you will need to change the oil in the gearbox only after 50 thousand kilometers.
After purchasing a vehicle, the first replacement can be made only after reaching this mark on the speedometer. But this fact depends primarily on the intensity of use of the car.
Therefore, in some situations, it may be necessary to replace the fluid even after a mileage of 30 thousand km. Moreover, carrying out this procedure does not have any special difficulties, so it can be done independently.
Fluid level in the bridge?
Before the used oil is drained, you will need to find out how much oil is left in the Gazelle axle.
This procedure can be performed if you place the car in a special pit. The main condition here is the presence of a flat surface.
After this, the drain hole is freed from the plug. During the procedure, a certain amount of liquid should spill out, this means that everything was closed absolutely hermetically. When nothing spills out, you can put your finger into the hole, running it along the edge. If the fluid in the rear axle reaches the level of the lower edge, then this is normal. If it drops below the specified indicator, then this fact indicates a leak. It is important to fix the problem before adding new oil.
The most common cause of axle leakage is problems with the seals. A visual inspection will be enough to detect oil stains on them. When it's time to pour new oil into the container, it is important not to overdo it so that there is not too much of it. In large volumes it can negatively affect overall efficiency.
Before you begin, you will need to prepare:
- new suspension;
- containers for waste material;
- tools.
How is the gearbox replaced?
Before changing the oil in the rear gearbox, the vehicle needs to be warmed up. This is necessary so that the liquid is drained in full. It should be understood that the procedure can take a lot of time.
There is a certain sequence of actions when performing the replacement procedure, and it is very important to adhere to it:
- Before unscrewing the cap, it is necessary to clean the breather in the rear gearbox.
- To unscrew the drain tank plug, you will need to use a special 12mm wrench.
- The old liquid from the tank should drain into a previously prepared container. Its approximate volume is equal to three liters.
- At the end of the drain, it is important to check the quality of the waste material. If there is a large amount of debris in it, you will also need to wash the gearbox itself.
- Before returning the stopper to its place, all foreign impurities are removed from the lid.
- Using a hex wrench, you need to unscrew the plug from the tank where the transmission is placed.
- Using a special syringe, diesel fuel or motor oil diluted with kerosene is placed here.
- Then, the plug must be returned to its place.
- It is necessary to hang the rear axle by placing supports under the front wheels.
- It is necessary to start the motor, turn on the first speed, for about five minutes.
- Then the entire process of draining the flushing composition is repeated.
- After adding new fluid, it is important to check its required level.
- It would also be a good idea to process the hubs.
- At the final stage, you should also check the oil level; if it is below the required level, then it should be added to the required level.
As a result, the approximate volume of the mixture will be equal to three liters. It is important to always keep this level normal, even, just like monitoring other consumables. Then the Gazelle will serve its owner for a long time.
By making all current replacements on time, you can save a lot on unscheduled repairs.
Video review
How to Drain Antifreeze From Umz 4216 Block
UMZ 4216 engine - main characteristics and gas equipment
Advertising about Gazelle Business, there is no such person, has now become a “classic”. Once upon a time it could often be heard. The Gazelle Business is equipped with a UMZ 4216 engine. It is worth noting that it is a good Russian truck with a good Russian engine that meets Euro-3 environmental standards. When, the vast majority of cargo transportation is now carried out specifically by Gazelles.
What remains for our client to do is modify the engine with a volume of 4.9 liters, two valves per cylinder. Initially, the UMZ 4216 engines provide the possibility of installing a hydraulic power steering. That’s why there are fastenings and fastenings for it. The power of the UMZ 4216 engine is 123 horsepower.
As a frequently encountered Gazelle engine, it was often tested by independent professionals. The tests were carried out from scratch, and after the first 100 thousand kilometers the UMZ 4216 engine was disassembled. Before and after disassembly, compression measurements were taken in each cylinder. Based on these data, judge that the low level is 8.6, the highest is 10. This is after the hundred thousandth mileage of the engine.
Major failures of the UMZ 4216 engine
A more common failure is a rupture of the intake manifold. According to the manufacturer, the UMZ 4216 engine was equipped with an intake manifold made of insufficiently strong steel. In 2010, this problem was successfully corrected. UMZ engines with a manifold made of durable steel began to be installed on Gazelle cars.