Instrument cluster diagnostics
You can diagnose faults on your car. To do this, turn on the ignition while continuously pressing the Reset button. Next, the LCD is monitored and all segment positions are displayed on it. Now you need to activate the button closest to you on the control panel, after which the version of the firmware made should be displayed on the screen. Press any control button again. If there are errors in the Lada Granta, special digital symbols should be displayed on the first two lines of the screen, which, in turn, may indicate various malfunctions.
Presence of increased voltage in the on-board system. If within 20 seconds the on-board computer was unable to detect a malfunction in the Lada Granta, then three significant error signals may occur. The first in this case indicates an open circuit in the sensor responsible for reading the fuel level. The second reacts to an open circuit in the sensor circuit that responds to the coolant temperature. And the third detects errors when the outside temperature sensor circuit is broken, which is within minus levels.
Next come error signals that directly indicate that the engine has overheated, emergency oil pressure levels, a defect in the brake system, or a completely discharged battery.
Errors in the data packet are detected. To clear error codes, press and hold the Reset button for a few seconds. Now press any of the control buttons, thanks to which the LCD control will start and all the necessary segment positions required for high-quality control will light up.
Oxygen sensor malfunctions and error codes
Among the possible breakdowns of the lambda probe, the following can be distinguished: loss of sensitivity, non-functional heating. As a rule, the on-board computer will not show you a breakdown if the problem is loss of sensitivity. It’s another matter if the heating circuit breaks, then the malfunction will be recorded.
- Error P1115 - a breakdown has occurred in the heating circuit
- Error P1102 - low resistance on the oxygen heater
- Error P0141 - the heater has broken down on the second sensor
- Error P0140 - sensor number two has broken
- Error P0138 - the second sensor indicates an excessive signal level
- Error P0137 - the second sensor indicates a low signal level
- Error P0136 - there is a short circuit to ground of the second sensor
- Error P0135 - the heater on the first sensor has failed
- Error P0134 - the first sensor has no signal
- Error P0133 - the first sensor responds slowly to the request
- Error P0132 - there is little oxygen in the system, the signal is high at the first sensor
- Error P0131 - too much oxygen in the system, low signal at the first sensor
- Error P0130 - the first sensor sends incorrect signals
Error codes and explanations
Knowing the exact meaning of the code, you can easily troubleshoot the problem.
Errors starting with P0030 (131, 132,136, 137, 138) indicate that the oxygen sensor was heated up to the converter. Upon detailed analysis, you can see that there is a break in the relationship in the circuit responsible for driving the car. In addition, the circuit can be completely shorted to ground or to the board. If the error continues to appear, it may be due to a network failure.
Errors P0102 (103) indicate a malfunction in the sensor circuit, which is responsible for the complex air flow. However, in the first case the error indicates a low signal level, and in the second - a high one. If the error code is P0112 (113), it means that there are problems with the sensor responsible for the air temperature. In the first case, problems appear due to the fact that the signal level has become too low, and in the second - too high.
Errors with P0116 (117, 118, 122, 123) indicate a break in the circuit going to the sensor responsible for the coolant temperature. Where the first indicates that the signal has left the radius of influence of the required range, and the other two indicate signal levels that are too high or low. In addition, when these errors are detected, the throttle valve may be displaced.
P0130 (131,132,137,138) indicate problems with the circuit connecting the oxygen sensor and the converter. A detailed inspection reveals faults in the converter, and the output signal may be at an unacceptably low level. The output signal level may be too high and damage may occur in the sensor circuit. In addition, heater errors may occur directly in the sensor responsible for the oxygen content, which, in turn, may be completely faulty.
P0171(172) indicates that the fuel supply system is too lean in the first case, and too rich in the second. The following four errors P0201 (202, 203, 204) indicate that certain malfunctions have occurred in the injectors of the control circuit of all four cylinders.
What is error P0036 on Lada Granta. Oxygen sensors
The Euro3 emission cleanliness standard requires the installation of two oxygen sensors on the catalyst. The first controls the composition of the exhaust at the inlet, the second analyzes the composition of the exhaust gases at the outlet of the converter. Any malfunction of one of the lambda probes leads to incorrect operation of the engine control system (ECM).
Error P0036 on the Lada Granta indicates a malfunction of the heating element in the second oxygen sensor, or an open circuit for polling and controlling the sensor.
Malfunctions that cause error code P0036 to appear necessarily indicate problems with the sensor and manifest themselves in different ways. The error may appear on a cold engine, but disappear on a warm engine. If you ignore it and simply erase it using the on-board computer, it will appear again. On runs up to 40-50 thousand km, the reaction to an error may already be a Check Engine signal, which is almost impossible to reset. Therefore, you have to look for the cause of error code P0036 and methods for troubleshooting.
Second part of errors
If you find an error code P0217, then you can say with confidence that the engine has heated up significantly above the permissible limit. P0230, there was a breakdown in the fuel pump relay circuit. With P0261 (263, 264, 266, 267, 269, 72), you can be completely sure that there are problems with any injector. Moreover, the faults will be either in the control circuit or in a non-functioning driver.
With errors P0262 (268, 270, 271) - there were malfunctions with the cylinder injectors in terms of control circuit shorts. A detailed inspection may also indicate a complete failure of any of the cylinders.
Third part of errors
Errors P0300 indicate misfire
P0300 (301, 304) - misfire. Moreover, they can be either random or multiple. Moreover, the higher the error code number, the higher the number designation of the cylinder itself.
Errors P0326 (327, 328) indicate a malfunction in the knock sensor circuit. With a detailed analysis, you can detect a signal completely leaving the permissible range or detecting a signal at a critical level, which can be either too high or low.
It is worth paying attention to errors with numbers P0335 (336, 337, 363). They indicate that the circuit leading to the crankshaft displacement sensor is broken or out of range where it should be working. They may also indicate that the ignition coil of the fourth cylinder is faulty or there is an open circuit in the control circuit. Gaps in the ignition system may be detected, which can completely cut off the fuel supply to idle cylinders.
The engine malfunction light is on on the Lada Kalina, lada
P0030 Heater of the oxygen sensor to the converter, open control circuit
P0031 Heater of the oxygen sensor before the converter, control circuit short to ground
P0032 Heater of the oxygen sensor to the converter, short circuit of the control circuit to the board. net
P0036 Oxygen sensor heater after the converter, control circuit open
P0037 Oxygen sensor heater after the converter, control circuit short to ground
P0038 Oxygen sensor heater after the converter, control circuit shorted to board. net
P0102 Mass air flow sensor circuit low signal
P0103 Mass air flow sensor circuit, high signal level
P0112 Air temperature sensor circuit, low signal level
P0113 Air temperature sensor circuit, high signal level
P0116 Coolant temperature sensor circuit, signal out of acceptable range
P0117 Coolant temperature sensor circuit low signal
P0118 Coolant temperature sensor circuit, high signal level
P0122 Throttle Position Sensor Circuit Low Signal
P0123 Throttle Position Sensor Circuit High Signal
P0130 The oxygen sensor before the converter is faulty
P0131 Oxygen sensor circuit to converter, low output level
P0132 Oxygen sensor circuit to converter, high output level
P0133 Oxygen sensor circuit to the converter, slow response to changes in mixture composition
P0134 The oxygen sensor circuit to the converter is inactive
P0136 The oxygen sensor after the converter is faulty
P0137 Oxygen sensor circuit after the converter, low signal level
P0138 Oxygen sensor circuit after the converter, high signal level
P0140 The oxygen sensor circuit after the converter is inactive
P0141 Oxygen sensor after the converter, heater is faulty
P0171 Fuel supply system too lean
P0172 Fuel system too rich
P0201 Cylinder 1 injector, control circuit open
P0202 Cylinder 2 injector, control circuit open
P0203 Cylinder 3 injector, control circuit open
P0204 Cylinder 4 injector, control circuit open
P0217 Engine temperature is higher than permissible
P0230 Fuel pump relay circuit malfunction
P0261 Cylinder 1 injector, control circuit short to ground
P0263 Faulty injector driver 1
P0264 Cylinder 2 injector, control circuit short to ground
P0266 Faulty injector driver 2
P0267 Cylinder 3 injector, control circuit short to ground
P0269 Malfunction of injector driver 3
P0270 Cylinder 4 injector, control circuit short to ground
P0262 Cylinder 1 injector, control circuit shorted to on-board network
P0265 Injector cylinder 2, control circuit short to on-board network
P0268 Cylinder 3 injector, control circuit shorted to on-board network
P0271 Cylinder 4 injector, control circuit short to on-board network
P0272 Faulty injector driver 4
P0300 Random/multiple misfires detected
P0301 Cylinder 1, misfire detected
P0302 Cylinder 2, misfire detected
P0303 Cylinder 3, misfire detected
P0304 Cylinder 4, misfire detected
P0326 Knock sensor circuit, signal output out of acceptable range
P0327 Knock sensor circuit low signal
P0328 Knock sensor circuit high signal
P0335 Crankshaft position sensor circuit is faulty
P0336 Crankshaft position sensor circuit, signal out of acceptable range
New Lada: Reverse light switch and its replacement
P0337 Crankshaft position sensor, short to ground
P0338 Crankshaft position sensor, open circuit
P0342 Phase sensor circuit, low signal level
P0343 Phase sensor circuit, high signal level
P0346 Phase sensor circuit, signal out of range
P0351 Ignition coil of cylinder 1 (1-4), control circuit open
P0352 Ignition coil of cylinder 2 (2-3), control circuit open
P0353 Ignition coil of cylinder 3, control circuit open
P0354 Ignition coil of cylinder 4, control circuit open
P0363 Misfire detected, fuel supply to idle cylinders is turned off
P0422 Neutralizer efficiency below threshold
P0441 Gasoline vapor recovery system, incorrect air flow through the canister purge valve
P0444 Canister purge valve, control circuit open
P0445 canister purge valve, control circuit short to ground or on-board network
P0480 Fan relay, control circuit open
P0481 Cooling fan 2 circuit malfunction
P0500 Vehicle speed sensor is faulty
P0506 Idle system, low engine speed
P0507 Idle system, high engine speed
P0511 Idle speed control, control circuit faulty
P0560 On-board network voltage is below the system operability threshold
P0562 On-board voltage, low level
P0563 On-board voltage, high level
P0601 Engine control system controller, ROM checksum error
P0615 Additional starter relay, control circuit open
P0616 Additional starter relay, control circuit short to ground
P0617 Additional starter relay, control circuit shorted to on-board network
P0627 Fuel pump relay, control circuit open
P0628 Fuel pump relay, control circuit short to ground
P0629 Fuel pump relay, control circuit shorted to on-board network
P0645 Air conditioning compressor clutch relay, control circuit open
P0646 Air conditioning compressor clutch relay, control circuit short to ground
P0647 Air conditioning compressor clutch relay, control circuit shorted to board. net
P0650 Malfunction indicator lamp, control circuit faulty
P0654 Instrument cluster tachometer, control circuit faulty
P0685 Main relay, control circuit open
P0686 Main relay, control circuit short to ground
P0687 Main relay, control circuit shorted to on-board network
P0691 Fan relay, control circuit short to ground
P0692 Fan relay, control circuit shorted to on-board network
P1102 Oxygen Sensor Heater Resistance Low
P1115 Oxygen sensor heating circuit faulty
P1123 Rich mixture at idle
P1124 Lean mixture at idle
P1127 Rich mixture at Partial Load
P1128 Lean mixture in Partial Load mode
P1135 Oxygen sensor heater circuit 1 open, short circuit
P1136 Rich mixture in Light Load mode
P1137 Lean mixture in Light Load mode
P1140 Measured load differs from calculation
P1141 Heater malfunction of oxygen sensor 1 after converter
P1171 Low level CO potentiometer
P1172 CO Potentiometer High Level
P1301 Cylinder 1, misfire detected, critical for the converter
P1302 Cylinder 2, misfire detected, critical for the converter
P1303 Cylinder 3, misfire detected, critical for the converter
P1304 Cylinder 4, misfire detected, critical for the converter
P1386 Knock Channel Test Error
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P1410 Canister purge valve control circuit short circuit to 12V
P1425 Canister purge valve control circuit short circuit to ground
P1426 Canister purge valve control circuit open
P1500 Fuel pump relay control circuit open
P1501 Short circuit to ground of the fuel pump relay control circuit
P1502 Short circuit to 12V fuel pump relay control circuit
P1509 Idle air control control circuit overload
P1513 Idle air control circuit short circuit to ground
P1514 Idle air control circuit short circuit to 12V, open
P1541 Fuel pump relay control circuit open
P1570 Immobilizer, circuit faulty
P1602 Engine control system controller, power supply loss
P1606 Rough road sensor circuit, signal out of acceptable range
P1616 Rough road sensor circuit low signal
P1617 Rough road sensor circuit, high signal level
P2301 Ignition coil of cylinder 1 (1-4), control circuit shorted to board. net
P2303 Ignition coil of cylinder 2 (2-3), control circuit shorted to board. net
P2305 Ignition coil of cylinder 3, control circuit shorted to board. net
P2307 Ignition coil of cylinder 4, control circuit shorted to board. net
The fourth part of errors
Errors numbered P0422 (441, 444, 445) indicate that the converter has become completely ineffective, the system that captures gasoline vapors is damaged, or the air through the adsorbent purge valve is not consumed correctly, or there is a violation in the valve in the iceberg purge. The only difference is that a normal connection break may occur, and in the second - a short circuit along the circuit, and the action may indicate both the ground and the on-board network, which, in turn, will also require transportation for maintenance.
P0480 (481) indicates problems with the fan relay, or an open circuit along the circuit responsible for controlling the fan. It may also indicate that the fan is no longer receiving the required degree of cooling.
The fifth part of the errors, numbered P0500 (506, 507, 511, 560, 562, 563), is not a separate group, but allows us to conclude that if they appear, the sensors may no longer display the speed at which the car is moving.
Disabling the cold speed system if the engine speed was too low or high and there is a breakdown in the control circuit of the regulator responsible for idle speed. In addition, significant malfunctions can occur due to a lack of electrical energy for the Lada Grant to fully operate.
Diagnostics of the instrument cluster on Lada Granta
Turn on the ignition while holding the “Reset” button pressed. All positions of the familiar areas (segments) should light up on the LCD - the LCD is being monitored.
Press any of the control buttons. The LCD should indicate the firmware version (for example, VEr 10).
Press any of the control buttons. The following error codes (if any) should be displayed on the positions of the first and second lines of the LCD:
- 2 – increased voltage in the on-board network; 3 – fuel level sensor error (if a break in the sensor circuit is detected within 20 seconds); 4 – coolant temperature sensor error (if an open circuit in the sensor is detected within 20 s); 5 – error of the external temperature sensor (if there are no sensor readings within 20 seconds, the indication on the LCD is “-°C”); 6 – engine overheating (the criterion for triggering the acoustic alarm is met); 7 – emergency oil pressure (the criterion for triggering the acoustic alarm is met); 8 – defect in the brake system (the criterion for triggering the acoustic alarm is met); 9 – the battery is discharged (the criterion for triggering the acoustic alarm is met); 10 – error detection in the data packet.
Press the “RESET” button and hold it for no more than 3 seconds. Error codes should clear to zero.
Press any of the control buttons. All familiar positions should light up on the LCD, thus starting the LCD control.
The most common mistake
The most common error P0133 indicates the inability to fully accelerate
Please note that if the display shows error number P0133, we can conclude that the car has stopped accelerating well. This is due to the fact that the control oxygen sensor requires information about the concentration of the air-fuel mixture to be transmitted to the control unit. The sensor itself is located directly in the exhaust pipe, without touching the catalytic converter. The engine control unit is located behind the oxygen sensor when the closed-cycle operating time has passed. In addition, the composition of the air-fuel mixture itself is directly regulated by increasing or decreasing the pulses that occur when the injector opens.
Since most domestic car enthusiasts cannot afford to purchase a foreign car, the Lada Granta can easily play the role of a high-quality and complete replacement. Therefore, if any errors or malfunctions occur, the owner should find out the cause as quickly as possible and, if possible, try to fix the problem themselves. This will save not only time, but also very significant money that would have to be paid for contacting a service station.
The “check engine” icon on Grant came on, you scanned the car and received an error code. It remains to find out its meaning. In one article we have collected all the Lada Grant errors that may appear while driving.
Types of sensors and operating principle
The lambda probe is installed in the exhaust system. Sensors are divided into two types: two-point and broadband.
The two-point sensor consists of ceramics, the elements of which are coated with zirconium dioxide on both sides. Installed in front of or behind the catalytic converter.
The principle of operation is to measure the level of oxygen concentration in the environment and exhaust gases. If the level changes and becomes different, a voltage is created at the ends of the sensor elements, from low to high. Low voltage is created if there is excess oxygen in the system.
Otherwise, if the system does not have the required level of oxygen, high voltage will be created. These signals are sent to the engine control unit, which distinguishes them by current strength.
The wideband sensor is a more modern design. It also has two ceramic elements. One of them can be called “pumping”. It is responsible for activating the process of pumping or removing air from the system.
The second element can be conventionally called “two-point”. The principle of operation is based on the fact that as long as there is the required amount of oxygen in the mixture, the current strength on the “pumping” element does not change and is transferred to the “two-point” element.
It, in turn, receiving a constant current from the “pumping” element, maintains a constant voltage between its elements and is inactive.
As soon as the oxygen level changes, the "pumping" element supplies the changed voltage to the "two-point". This, in turn, ensures either pumping air into the system or pumping it back.
Decoding: Lada Granta errors
The list of possible faults is long. So we've broken it down into three parts based on the original issues. These are the error codes that it produces:
- Electronic control unit ( ECU );
- automatic transmission ;
- Problem with EEPROM .
Grant ECU: error codes
The largest group of faults . This includes data on internal combustion engine sensors. Code numbering from P0030 to P2501.
Complete list of Grant automatic transmission errors
The complete table of faults with the VAZ2190 automatic transmission is much smaller than the previous one. The whole list is below:
All automatic transmission error codes fit into one block
VAZ 2190 data transmission error codes
The smallest group of codes. There are only six of them, all starting with U - automatic transmission and internal combustion engine faults are indicated by the letter P.
All known data transfer errors on Grant
How to view and reset errors on Grant
For accurate diagnostics, you need an OBD2 diagnostic scanner - also known as ELM327. The professional version costs several thousand, the Chinese amateur version costs 200 rubles.
When purchasing through Aliexpress and similar sites, it is optimal to choose a seller with a large number of reviews and find comments on working with your car in them. Otherwise, diagnosis will turn into a lottery.
Through the same scanner, you can reset all error codes and the “check” will go out until the next breakdown is detected. The principle of operation is the same on all cars .
Installing a non-factory on-board computer of the “State” type with an error detection function will also help. If detected, the error code will light up on the display.
You can erase the causes of “Jackie Chan” from your memory by resetting the battery terminal for a few minutes. The method does not always help. It doesn’t matter which terminal to reset.
Find out more about the causes of Check Engine , step-by-step diagnostics and error removal here.
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